How to Use your thoughts to manifest

In order to manifest, you need to create.

The life you want to manifest is intangible (you cannot touch it or put physical items together to make it) so it can only get processed through your mind in synch with the universe and it's forces.

Every thought and every imagination are energies that interact with forces that we cannot see- bad thoughts are energies that syncs and resonates with bad forces which in turn brings about negativities in your reality while positive thoughts syncs with the positive forces that translates to a positive reality

Be mindful of your thoughts 

You have the innate power to create your reality and the life of your dream and this starts with your thoughts. 

Every thought counts so you have to be mindful of what you dwell on- that is to say you cannot completely be in control of every thought that crosses your mind but you can decide which ones should be passing thoughts and which ones should stay and be nurtured

The issue is that most people are unaware of this and let the negative thoughts that are supposed to just pass dwell in their mind for too long and therefore creating a sync between the negative thoughts and their corresponding energies (negative forces). It is okay to think that something might not go well or turn out horrible but let thoughts like these be a passing thought by quickly replacing them with thoughts of things that can go right and stay on these

Now that we have established the types of thoughts and how to choose which ones to stay on and nurture, let us delve into how manifestation works 

How to Manifest

In simple terms, manifestation means to create an idea into a reality. In psychological terms, it means using our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and imagination to create or bring to life.

As stated earlier, in order to manifest, you have to create and each and everyone of us have the power to create if we understand how manifestation works. Some important steps to help you manifest the right way are outlined below

What do you want

Know what you want. Having a clear knowledge of what you want to create is the first step to creating anything including manifestation 


Manifestation works best when intentions are pure. Why do you want what you desire? Admit and come to terms with the feelings that the life of your dreams will bring. You want to make sure that it will not hurt or harm others or yourself. This is a great start to manifesting the life of your dreams

You deserve it

A common fail in manifestation happens when people do not think they deserve what they desire, this may be as a result of fear or background- if no one in your family or your circle has achieved something of that magnitude then there is tendency for you to doubt or feel inadequate and unworthy. You have to tackle this internal battle and consciously tell your subconscious that you deserve it

Believe in your manifestation 

Believing in your dreams and ideas is a non negotiable in manifestation.  A million people can tell you how much they'd believe in you but it mean's absolutely nothing if you do not believe in yourself and your dreams. As a matter of fact, the only belief that matters in creation is yours! You can only create what you believe in


This is one of the most important aspect in manifestation. Using your imagination and feeling the positive emotions that would come from your manifestation is . Get lost in the imagination of what you desire as often as possible 

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