To maximize your candle, please follow the below care and safety tips

  • Always trim the wick to ¼ inch prior to each use. Preferable use a wick trimmer or pinch off the dead wood or wick with your index and thumb before lighting. This helps to ensure a clean burn and avoid smoking and sooting
  • The first time using the candle, allow the wax to melt to the edge of the jar to prevent your candle from tunneling. Tunneling is when the candle burns down the middle and this occurs if you do not allow the candle enough time to completely melt on the first burn.
  • Burn your candles for at least 2-4hours to allow it to reach it's melt pool and allow the scent disseminate. The fragrance comes from the melted pool so allow the candle to fully melt in order to enjoy it's beautiful scent
  • Keep lit candles away from drafts, ceiling fans and any air currents.
  • Never leave a burning candle unattended.
  • Place your candle on a flat and level surface, away from flammable items and out of reach of children and pets
  • If the flame is too big or creating black smoke, simply extinguish the flame, wait for the candle to cool off and trim the wick down to ¼ inch before lighting it again.
  • Burn your candle no more than 4 hours at a time for optimal use. Once your candle has only about ½ inch of wax left in the vessel, it’s time to let go, clean your Jar and repurpose and ofcourse get your next good stuff from Enoma :)